Mine is a fairly cheap Palmgren arbor press from
Enco and it came with a punch set so it already had a hole in the column and a magnet to hold the punch. The hole was a bit bigger than the shank of the StewMac cauls so I just needed a bushing around the shank, and the magnet is strong enough to hold it in but I can easily switch back to a punch. I used a little bungee for a spring return and I attached a socket on the other side of the shaft so I can plug in a torque wrench to press in every fret with the same force, works nice.
Edit: I realize using exactly the "same force" on every fret may be less than perfect as the fretboard changes in width, but I think that's a relatively minor variation compared to my first attempts without the torque wrench where I either under-seated them or crushed the wood. I just adjust it to seat the frets well in the middle of the range and it seems to work fine across the board.