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Calling this one done!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:15 am
by Kevin in California
I've shown some pictures of this one along the way but I am declaring it now done!
It is a crossover. OM body, 20' radiused fretboard, 14 frets at the body.
Sapele B & S with maple bindings.
Sitka spruce top with 9 fan bracing.
Spanish cedar neck.
Ebony fretboard, cocobolo bridge
Madagascar rosewood headstock overlay front, sapele on the back.

I did some porefilling with shellac and sawdust, and some with rosewood colored Timbermate. I guess I like the Timbermate better.
The finish is french polished shellac. I used Zinners Sealcoat cut to a 1lb cut and padded it on ala Robbie's O'Briens finishing video. I tried to follow it best I could.
I did finish with the bridge on.....never again. I had a good reason for gluing the bridge on first but I will avoid that again at all costs.

I let the finish sit for 3 weeks then I rubbed it out with 0000 steel wool and finishing wax. I really like how it feels, came out somewhere between satin and semi-gloss.
I don't care for the fine scratches the steel wool leaves behind, but I will get use to it. Robbie is right, the finish is silky smooth and really is nice in the hands.
My wife says that is how she wants her guitar finished.

I have had strings on this guitar in the white, and tried to reuse those strings, which didn't work out- too short.
In the process of putting them on I realized i forgot to protect the top right behind the bridge, and I do now have a couple little dents there. Oh well the first
of many I'm sure. This guitar was an experiment and overall I'm pleased with how it has turned out. It sounded pretty good in the white, hoping
it will sound better now that it is finished. I'll get new strings on it tonight. My playing is modest but I'll put up a sound bite of how it sounds.


Re: Calling this one done!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:42 am
by John Parchem
Looks really good. I like your head stock design and how you treated the back strap veneer on the head stock. I am looking forward to hearing it.

Re: Calling this one done!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:16 pm
by dave d
Beautiful work Kevin. Really like how the sapele looks. Well done on everything.

Re: Calling this one done!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:17 pm
by John Link
I'll second that, John. The finish is cleanly transparent - that hog shows off its nature in full glory.

Re: Calling this one done!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:40 pm
by Tim Benware
Is it a hybrid? Came out really nice, I prefer the satin look but most I build for want high gloss.

Re: Calling this one done!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:27 pm
by Dave Bagwill
I really like that look, and the entire aesthetic as well.

Re: Calling this one done!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:25 pm
by Herman
Wonderful my big boy! Hard to give comment about this one, all looks great. Where are the flaws? Cannot see any dents. Your great skills show. Keep 'm going. Yeah, show a few chords.
