Thanks Herman, I promise no more for awhile! I do not have even one the bench and a massive honey do list. It was an experience to throw the two ukes in while finishing the guitar.
John - don't stop - you're keeping as all inspired!
I have a funky old orphaned back set of figured eucalyptus - your two ukuleles have sparked an interest in seeing if I can squeeze a Uke out of this set. Maybe with a one-piece cedar top.
Did you draw your own Uke plans for these, or are they from a specific design?
Great work, as usual, and love the inclusion of the sap-wood. Beautiful.
One of the ukuleles I followed the Martin Tenor plans for the body. I made the necks from my own plan but basing it off the Martin and Hana Lima plans. The body of the second was close to the hana lima plans. I once made a harp ukulele so I had half of a tenor mold I duplicated that half mold to have both halves. Even though the shapes were a little different I used the same Martin sized bending mold. I roughly followed the plans from both to match the 3 fan brace pattern they both had. I sized them more like my classical guitar fan braces. I thought the hana lima brace heights were way over sized.
The ukuleles are fun to make and I am finding to my surprise and my wife's chagrin that they are fun and easy to play. So I plan to make another for myself.
Yes use the orphaned or damaged guitar tone woods to make ukuleles. Also I found I could get really cool ukulele sized sets wood from the tonewood sellers for good prices as they could cut back and side sets that have flaws for ukuleles.