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If ever in Michigan --visit Eldery Music

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:21 pm
by ken cierp
I know I referenced Elderly Music as one of my research resources perhaps hundreds of times by now. Take a look at this video from PBS and you'll get a feeling why this place is a Mecca for musicians, makers and guitar lovers -- from around the world.

Re: If ever in Michigan --visit Eldery Music

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:07 pm
by Dan Pennington
Elderly is a must stop whenever you are in the area. I worked there in the Books & Records Dept for a while about 14 years ago, right after I retired from 30 years with the State of Michigan. Have since moved to Minneapolis to be near grand children, but I go to Elderly whenever we go back to Michigan to see family still there.
The Elderly staff has changed greatly. The only people I recognized from the video were Stan and Frog.