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Could it be "Kenneth Michael Guitars -- and Ukuleles" ??
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:18 pm
by ken cierp
I must say that over the last few months I have become fastinated with these
little guitars (which they are call by some -- even dealers). Its only a slight over statement when I say "every one I know" seems to want to own an Ukulele. Aside from the commercial aspect it amazes me how musical an ukulele can be in the hands of an artist and how much joy they can bring to even a small child -- I gave one to my three year old grand daughter a week or so ago. I understand it is a prized possession and an hour after she had it, she was showing her little friends how to hold and strum it!
Anyway here's a great video from PBS sure to inspire
Re: Could it be "Kenneth Michael Guitars -- and Ukuleles" ?
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:52 pm
by Ken Hundley
One of my favorite Uke vids:
Jake S. While my Guitar Gently Weeps
Also very inspirational....
Re: Could it be "Kenneth Michael Guitars -- and Ukuleles" ?
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:21 am
by TonyinNYC
They are definitely fun to play! Fast to build as well... Provided you are able to get into the shop!
Re: Could it be "Kenneth Michael Guitars -- and Ukuleles" ?
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:44 pm
by Ken Hundley
I think they are attractive as well because they are more portable....especially on planes these days. They are growing on me....I may have to try building one.
Re: Could it be "Kenneth Michael Guitars -- and Ukuleles" ?
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:21 pm
by Dennis in Anola
I have two "local" buddies who build Ukes. One buddy has built around 22 of them and is getting really good. He does a french polish finish on his. I'll have to take some pictures when I get to town next.