Has anyone used Ash for neck construction?

Wood selection sound-boards, backs, sides, necks and trim
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Robert Hosmer
Posts: 167
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Has anyone used Ash for neck construction?

Post by Robert Hosmer » Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:12 pm

Was sorting through inventory the other day and came across a thick plank (12/4) of Ash.
It's flatsawn, but the thickness would easily allow production of a quartersawn "neck blank".

Compares very close to hard maple in weight, stiffness, and hardness. Ash should be slightly more stable than the maple.

Any experience with it or thoughts on using it for necks?
Got plenty of tool handles (original purpose of the plank).

Always have plenty of sandpaper; it's rough out there!

Bob Matthews
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Re: Has anyone used Ash for neck construction?

Post by Bob Matthews » Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:58 am

I can't help you with using ash for a neck, but I have used it for a back and sides on a 12 string with excellent results.
It is extremely strong and I believe it would be ideal as neck material if straight grained and well seasoned, the only down side is the massive open pores which will need to be filled (I used Zpoxy) with a pore filler of your choice.

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ken cierp
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Re: Has anyone used Ash for neck construction?

Post by ken cierp » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:40 am

Ash is one of my least favorite woods to work and machine -- very stringy, chippy. But really there is no reason it or for that matter any well seasoned hardwood could not be used for a neck. I believe that the most sought after vintage "Strats" are made of Ash?

Slab cut --- I would suggest that you laminate it to form a vertical grain blank -- but you most likely already knwew that.

Robert Hosmer
Posts: 167
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Re: Has anyone used Ash for neck construction?

Post by Robert Hosmer » Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:10 pm

kencierp wrote:Slab cut --- I would suggest that you laminate it to form a vertical grain blank -- but you most likely already knew that.
Thus far, I'm becoming a follower of the scarf joint/laminated heel type of construction.
But if you mean multiple lamination of thinner pieces to form the shaft itself (in order to obtain vertical grain orientation), none is needed.
This is a good-sized hunk o' wood- 34" long x 12" wide x 3-1/4" thick. Must have come from a fairly large tree, as the curvature on the growth rings is slight. An angled cut could easily produce a vertical grain blank.

Thanks for the comments, guys.
Will probably not use the ash because I have some maple and mahogany. The maple would ease finishing, and mahogany significantly more stable.

Now I can find that blacksmith that wanted it for handles. I sense a trade coming soon.....

Always have plenty of sandpaper; it's rough out there!

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