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Convert old table saw to to a handy disk sander

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:33 pm
by Dave Bagwill
I had a cheap old table saw. I needed a good disk sander. So I trotted down to the neighborhood tool store and bought a 9" plate to replace the saw blade, attached some self-adhesive sandpaper to it, and it works great as a disk sander - the table saw has the tilt mechanism and I bought an inexpensive router speed control for - well, for speed control :-).

Certainly the table saw is not designed to have material pushed into the side of the blade, so I don't use this for heavy duty sanding - I will thin braces before installation - obviously - and miter all sorts of angles easily.

This pic is off the interweb - my shop is too cold today to force my wife out there to take a pic of mine :-) ... arev45.jpg

Re: Convert old table to to a handy disk sander

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:25 pm
by Woodyok
That's a great Idea Dave. That's what I call field expediency. Or it could just be good recycle use.

Re: Convert old table to to a handy disk sander

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:26 pm
by Dave Bagwill
I have an adaptation of this just using a clamped piece of straight material as a fence; used to sand miters at difference angles etc. ... /miter.png