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12 string bridge layout

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:08 pm
by peter havriluk
Been thinking of making a 12-string bridge for myself, before I forget how to use the tooling I made up to orient and cut the saddle slot...

Not finding much information I could use, so I'm asking the group where I can find the string layout parameters, like spacing from low E to high E, how the octave strings are oriented with their 'regular' paired string, distance the octave strings are set back (ahead?) of the 'normal' strings, and how far strings are separated within pairs. And is a belly bridge stretched front to back to accommodate the second row of pins, maybe the distance between the rows?

Besides what I'm asking about, I think I've got this project figured out.

Thanks very much.

Re: 12 string bridge layout

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:05 pm
by John Link
Don Teeter describes an effective way to determine saddle layout for 12-strings in his repair books. If you follow it, you will get good compensation for both the heavy and light strings that form each pair.

Re: 12 string bridge layout

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:15 pm
by Herman
Peter, I would make my saddle on the thick side. That way you have the space for intonation on each string.
ood luck

Re: 12 string bridge layout

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:33 pm
by peter havriluk
Thanks, folks.

I agree about saddle thickness. I used 1/8" for saddle thickness on the 2 six-string projects I am working on. Easily purchased and a third thicker than 3/32".

Not nearly as interested in saddle compensation as the bridge dimensions and displacements. Compensation is part 2, after the bridge is made and installed.

Re: 12 string bridge layout

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:18 pm
by John Link
Not nearly as interested in saddle compensation as the bridge dimensions and displacements. Compensation is part 2, after the bridge is made and installed.
That's what the Teeter discussion addresses. His specific process is for installing a fully compensated bridge as an upgrade to a finished guitar.

Re: 12 string bridge layout

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:53 pm
by ken cierp
the bridge dimensions and displacements.
This is not a big deal --- Google 12 string bridge or go to your local music store and you'll see there are thousands of designs nothing critical but all placements fairly obvious. String spacing on a twelve is usually 2 3/16" offset the second row about .10, and back from the first row a logical, pleasing to the eye distance.

I agree with John -- the saddle compensation is the magic. I've retrofit several 12 strings with 1/4" fully compensated saddles and the results are delightful.

Re: 12 string bridge layout

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:09 pm
by peter havriluk
Ken, thanks. That's the sort of information I was looking for. And I'll plan on a wider saddle, taking your suggestion of a quarter-inch. Easy enough to cut the saddle slot one width as another. I could always buy a bridge from Martin to either copy or use, but I wanted to do as much of it as I could manage.

I originally posted my question on the forum after finding no joy in a Google search. Lots of intonation traffic, none about basic dimensions, that I could find.