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Gotoh truss rod orientation
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:08 pm
by peter havriluk
Just became the new owner of truss rods sold by Grizzly, who state that they were made by Gotoh. Come to installing them, do I orient the the paper-covered channel to the bottom of the fingerboard or away from the fingerboard?
Thanks very much.
Re: Gotoh truss rod orientation
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:19 am
by dave d
The solid metal part of the truss rod goes next to the fretboard, so the paper-side faces down.
Re: Gotoh truss rod orientation
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:53 pm
by peter havriluk
Perfectly clear. Thanks!
Re: Gotoh truss rod orientation
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:39 pm
by Jim Ebert
Glad I saw this thread, I am getting ready install my truss rods and was thinking that they went paper side towards the fret board. Also I happened to notice that they are on sale at Grizzly for $5.95ea. While the supply lasts. ...
Re: Gotoh truss rod orientation
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:12 am
by peter havriluk
Hold the phone on Grizzly truss rods. I just got four of them. Grizzly says they're sixteen inches long. Try seventeen inches, including the nut on the end.
Re: Gotoh truss rod orientation
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:44 am
by Jim Ebert
Thanks Peter, I just canceled the 5 I order earlier this evening.
Re: Gotoh truss rod orientation
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:43 pm
by Kevin in California
just saw this thread. I use these truss rods, but have gotten them from LMI in the past. LMI tells me the open/paper covered side goes up, and if you put it in a vise and work it you'll see how the flexes. They are bit long but just cut the channel almost to the nut and they come out fine, just a bit longer out of the neck block, about an inch.
I just got 4 more from Grizzly at that closeout price. Gotoh isn't making this rod anymore, but I like them.