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Finishing sequence for a bolt on neck

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:12 am
by Jim from Illinois
I wasn't really sure which category to put this under. I have only built guitars with a dovetail neck but I am about to do a bolt on. My question is, is the body and neck finished separately and then put together or is it finished after assembly. I would think it could be done either way but I would like to know what most of you out there do since it seems like bolt on is the popular way to go. Also, does the absence of glue improve the coupling between neck and body?


Re: Finishing sequence for a bolt on neck

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:08 am
by Herman
Jim, both ways is good.
The disadvantage of finishing after attaching is the buildup of finish in the corners of the neck. And it will show if the neck has to be taken off eventually.
Advantage is that you, if you fret after, you can flatter the fingerboard better in the transition area.

I did all of your choices. Dovetails, bolt-ons, glued and unglued, separate and complete finishing. I can tell no difference soundwise.
Maybe one of the other guys does.

Re: Finishing sequence for a bolt on neck

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:48 am
by ken cierp
Hi Jim,

Definitely finish separately. Is the joint a true bolt on (2 fasteners) ? Our kits don't require any glue, joint or FB extension. Yes a large percentage of even the most premier makers now at least offer bolt ons.

Re: Finishing sequence for a bolt on neck

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:15 am
by Jim from Illinois
Yes, 2 brass inserts on the heel. I know Taylor attaches the fretboard to the body with a tongue and screws type of thing but I was going to glue it. Does anyone do this any other way?
By the way Ken, I'm so glad you introduced me to the forum.

Re: Finishing sequence for a bolt on neck

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:26 am
by Jim from Illinois
Also, since I don't believe there are stupid questions, I have been using the Stewmac dovetail templates for the neck joint. Is there any reason that I couldn't use the same templates with a straight cut bit for the bolt on mortise and tenon?

Re: Finishing sequence for a bolt on neck

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:44 pm
by ken cierp
Get the MT template -- a straight cut with the "V" will not allow for a any vertical adjustment which is one of the benefits of the MT. You really don't need glue on the FB extension since it will likely bow slightly down and compress against the sound board. If you do use glue just a tiny bit will do the job and still make neck removal simple if need be --- another benefit of the MT joint.

Re: Finishing sequence for a bolt on neck

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:12 pm
by Tim Benware
On a M&T bolt-on I don't glue the mortice but I do glue the extension. I guess I want to make sure the fit is secure so there is no buzz. I have had a couple that came into my shop with buzzing and it was identified as that, gluing the extension took care of it (none were factory built).