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Bishop Cochran Router Bases

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:17 pm
by TonyinNYC
I have said it before and I will say it again: there are no problems that can not be solved with large sums of money.
For example: I was complaining to my wife that I needed something better than my dremel for rosettes. I could have gone the cheap route and used a razor blade and a stick OR I could throw loads of money at the problem and get a Bishop Cochran router base. Well I didn't spend a cent, but my wife got me the Bishop Cochran base and the Bosch Colt to go in it! BOOYAH! Big chunks of money solved the problem.

Re: Spindle Sanders

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:18 pm
by Preston
OK _ so my interest was really peaked about the Bishop Cochran Router Bases. I have seen them online before and they very much sound like the real thing. I think I'll dive in but instead of the Bosch Colt I may stay with the Dremel. Probably the 300. I have been using the Stew Mac base and before that a homemade version. While speed and the quality of the cutters seem to be at the top of importance, stability and micro adjustment is also critical. Does the Bishop Chocran base help in that regard? By the way I believe I will invest in a Bosch Colt for some other jobs but I like the idea of a smaller tool when cutting my rosettes. Thoughts? Thanks.


Re: Spindle Sanders

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:39 pm
by TonyinNYC
Hey Preston,

the reason I got the Bishop cochran base was so I could use a router with their inherently better bushings and zero wobble in the bit versus the Dremel. I like my dremel, but for rosettes, the bit wanders just enough to cause problems when it comes time to fit the rings. You will find you have gaps in strange places and it is because the dremel bits wander because their bushing are held by plastic collars. You don't want to have gaps in your rosette, do you? I have not actually used my base yet, so I cant tell you about how it performs, but the people I spoke to say it is a great job. John Parchem has one and he really likes it.
So my answer is, get the Colt base and get a Colt. You will cut cleaner channels than the dremel is capable of.

Re: Bishop Cochran Router Bases

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:22 pm
by Preston
Hi Tony - Thanks for the reply. Hmmm...yes I have definitely had gaps or wider cuts in rosettes using my Dremel with the Stew Mac base no matter how good a cutter or how solid everything is held in place. I would assume then that the Bosch Colt can handle 1/8" cutter shafts - correct?

Re: Bishop Cochran Router Bases

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:37 pm
by TonyinNYC
I don't remember if it can or not. I bought 1/4" shank bits with 1/16" cutting heads from Drill Bit City.

Re: Bishop Cochran Router Bases

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:24 pm
by ken cierp
We've had good luck with these bushings ... rings.html

Re: Bishop Cochran Router Bases

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:11 pm
by Go4aRyd
Nice base. I was unware of them, but am aware of the Micro Fence product (Edge-Guide w/ Center Bar & Levelers) for about the same money. Both look great. Let us know how it works!