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Routing mortis and tenon

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:24 pm
by Daniel P
So I'm starting to wrap my head around scratch building my own neck and neck block - I may do a third kit - but want to start thinking about how to do this at home. I very much like the KMG mortis an tenon attachment method, and in the kit we receive a pre-routed neck block.

Is the pre-mortised block just a reality of kit building or is it a method any of you use on scratch built instruments?

Would it be preferable to use a jig like the LMII Neck Angle Mortis and Tenon jig? (Or other?)

I have all the shop standards - plunge routers, drill press, table saw, band saw. As well I have access to an older Bridgetron CNC mill for very simple milling.

Would greatly appreciate any advice on what mortis and tenon routing/milling approach I should consider as I start building up more at-home capabilities.

Re: Routing mortis and tenon

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:46 pm
by John Parchem
I make most of my blocks, You can buy or make matching mortise and tenon templates and buy or make a jig like the plans sold by lmi. What seems to be popular is a neck jig like John Simpson's neck jig just google. With a template and a body vise to hold the template it is not too hard to cut the mortise.

Also some vendors sell slotted blocks without holes.

Re: Routing mortis and tenon

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 5:43 am
by Kevin in California
Hi Daniel. I have been using the Simpson jig (thank you john). Before that I made my neck block in two pieces; cutting in a motive with the bandsaw one one block 3/4" thick and gluing it to another solid block to for the "pocket" or mortise. Can you get the image? Very simple to do. Then I cut the tenon on the neck heel on the table saw making compound angled cuts to create the cheek relief and neck angle in one cut for each side. Again easy to do. When I get home from india I can post some pics. There are things I like about doing the mortise and tenon both ways and I've considered going back to the pre-made neck block and see if I prefer that method.

Re: Routing mortis and tenon

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:16 am
by ken cierp

Re: Routing mortis and tenon

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:39 am
by Tim Benware
I use the LMI jig and have templates for both DT and M&T. I make more M&T than DT. Very accurate matching up the neck and body angle.