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Bessey Clamps on Clearance at Lowes

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:31 am
by Daniel P
On a whim I walked past the clamp section at Lowes last night and found that they are clearing out Bessey clamps - some are only a small percentage off but others were 80-90% off. The mixed bag of 14 nice plastic clamps were less than $5 at one nearby location. Most of my favorite clamps were already sold out, but you may be able to find some deals.

Most for their clamps are too large for guitar construction, but great for jigs, fixtures, furniture, or cabinet making.

Might be worth a look.

Re: Bessey Clamps on Clearance at Lowes

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:48 am
by ken cierp
Yeah my daughter works for Lowe's in Indiana she called me early in the morning and ask if she could pick something up for me (discount on a discount) -- seems they are dropping the high line clamp brands.