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Big leaf Maple

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:08 pm
by Ray Ussery
Having trouble getting the Taylor subject line to download, but out of curiosity, if one used a highly figured big leaf maple for back and sides for a 000 sized guitar, what would you consider for a top wood that would be the best companion for such a choice?

I know Gibson used a variety of spruces in the old days for their J200 and 185's and a couple of their larger sized guitars, but I can't remember any of the smaller guitars using maple, but it could be the two brain cells I have left just don't have the capacity for that information...hummmmm,

Wonder how redwood or cedar would compliment such a choice...I have a really nice set of steamed big leaf maple at my disposal but it's not large enough for a big bodied guitar.

Anyway, any suggestions? experiences? Appreciate it!

Thanks , Ray :)

Re: Big leaf Maple

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:57 am
by TonyinNYC
Depends on the final sound you want. Maple can be bright so to tone that down, you could use cedar as a top. Redwood would be good too.

Re: Big leaf Maple

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:42 am
by ken cierp
Here's a guitar I heard in concert (or at least one like it) Maple with a Sitka top awesome!!! Of course Degrassi could make a Swinette sound good ----- OK a swinette is a pig with rubberbands stretched over it's butt.

Not sure why you are having trouble with the Taylor link? You should be able to just click on it -- it does load a little slow its a huge file.

Re: Big leaf Maple

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:09 pm
by Ray Ussery
kencierp wrote:Here's a guitar I heard in concert (or at least one like it) Maple with a Sitka top awesome!!! Of course Degrassi could make a Swinette sound good ----- OK a swinette is a pig with rubberbands stretched over it's butt.

Not sure why you are having trouble with the Taylor link? You should be able to just click on it -- it does load a little slow its a huge file.
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I laughed so hard my side hurts so bad I can't hardly breathe...I should either read the posts or drink water, not both at one time...heheheh...anyway, did you meant to link a pic or something? Funny, funny.....thanks for that..U made my day!

Re: Big leaf Maple

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:16 pm
by ken cierp
Sorry -- here's a link the that instrument ... ked-spruce

not the "swinette"

Re: Big leaf Maple

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:52 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Nice. I'd like to play one.

I wonder if this whole 'master grade' thing is just hype?

Re: Big leaf Maple

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:34 pm
by Ken Hundley
I might stay away from Adirondak spruce....I find (and may be wrong) that it tends to be more bright and piercing than sitka, and you will already get that effect with the maple. Sitka would be good, or you could go to other woods. I have some big leaf maple for an OM, and have been wondering what to use it with. I also have some 30 year old Western Red Cedar....might be a good mix? Not sure.