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Hand- held drum/spindle sander

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:26 am
by Tim Benware
I was looking for an alternative hand-held drum sander and ran across this. I want to use it for sanding sides flat and for making elliptical sound ports in the sides. Thought some of you may be interested as well:

Re: Hand- held drum/spindle sander

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:22 am
by ken cierp
First -- Based on personal experience I'd warn that is much too small of a diameter for power side sanding (we sold our small diameter unit) -- no less than 2 1/4" to help prevent digging in, making a non repairable crater. This type of sander is usual filled with air (bladder) to aide in blending the work and preventing mishaps and chatter.

Using a Velcro fastening system may provide some level of abrasive cushioning?

Re: Hand- held drum/spindle sander

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:58 am
by Tim Benware
Yeah, the expensive production models have a bladder. I want the smaller diameter mainly for creating the sound port. You would definitely have to be careful on the sides. I currently use the end of my belt sander for the initial leveling of the sides (gotta go careful) and then my scrapper/sandaper to fine tune the flatness.

Using the end of the belt sander is much like the larger diameter you recommend but without the cushion and you have to be real careful because you can create a crater. I have had no problems like that so far but I sure can see how it is possible.