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Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:41 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Some good stuff here and I thought some of us might enjoy reading it. Might as well try to be a happy luthier :-) ... rsion.html
Re: Happiness
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:05 am
by John Link
When I was a grad student in philosophy (not art), I found that the profs who were most involved in the philosophy of happiness were those who, in their own lives, were the least happy. Logically, there is no justification to generalize much from these observations, but nonetheless I always have, and don't exactly trust those who claim to have unraveled the puzzles of life. Admittedly, the writer does at least offer some qualifications at the beginning.
Re: Happiness
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:30 am
by Herman
Maybe John, it was the other way around. The profs could be unhappy in the first place and developed an obsession with a theory about getting happy.
Re: Happiness
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:36 am
by Dave Bagwill
Guys - I don't think he's theorizing - he is distilling lessons learned over a long life of teaching and more importantly, living philosophy - and as he says, you have to live it to see if it 'works'. I appreciate his contributions, as I appreciate yours. The world is not a happy place, and I for one can use all the excellent advice I can get to navigate it with integrity, strength etc.
Re: Happiness
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:31 pm
by John Link
Herman, I was observing an association, not a causal chain. As far as causality goes, you may well be right.
Re: Happiness
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:49 pm
by Ray Ussery
I don't know for sure of course, all I know is what I've gathered from over 70 years of living...
I pretty much agree with these observations...I think you ARE responsible for much of your own is all about choices.
The company you keep has a good deal to do with molding who you are. If you hang with losers..?
Your personal attitude is VERY important, some see the glass as half empty, while others see it as half full..
counting your blessings instead of the misfortunes that befall all of us is a positive and a good thing. No matter the circumstances, it could always be worse...
I was in constant pain for 55 years prior to the arrival of the tech to do the surgery to solve the problem with removing 9" of my spine...sometimes I really felt sorry for myself, and how bad it hurt to just walk, until I saw the man with no legs... :>)
There is no "Certain" formula for everyone, however, being positive give you an edge in my opinion...the power of the human mind is limitless...unless YOU choose to limit it.
There...I'm no expert, I don't have a degree...except from the College of Hard Knocks...and I think I still have a few more "Credits" to obtain there yet...time will tell...
It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile and I'm a lazy Old Cuss so that's my take on it! FWIW, YMMV, yadda yadda yadda :>)
Re: Happiness
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:21 pm
by Kevin in California
I thought "Happiness is a Warm Gun"? :>) Sorry couldn't help myself!