Windy Answer

Things that matter and not -- Just keep it wholesome
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Ray Ussery
Posts: 662
Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:51 am

Windy Answer

Post by Ray Ussery » Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:57 pm

Last Saturday, we had a little family picnic out on the know, Mac salad, hamburgers...etc...
Well as we sat down to eat the WIND came up...(Of course) was ok...except that ever paper napkin we owned scattered over the yard and not ONE was left on the table and it took 20 minutes to retrieve them all (NO my wife says the 5 second rule doesn't apply...sheeeeezh)
Anyway...last night, I was thumbing thru my new Wood Mag and found this neat little contraption.


I didn't have any fancy wood except some left over red oak and plywood. There were no instructions but I enlarged it and basiclly copied what I isn't too difficult...took me a couple of hours or so and some stain...I made I each of the items shown and just copied them and sanded, sprayed them with some sealer..then the stain..on the dark pieces (Oak) doesn't look quite as good as this but it works well...

IF Momma ain't happy ...NOBODY's HAPPY! SO if you have such a problem this is a good answer. Make it as fancy as you wish. (I may have to make another "Presentable" one now. :>( ":>)

Dave Bagwill
Posts: 5953
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm

Re: Windy Answer

Post by Dave Bagwill » Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:03 pm

Out-standing. I don't use napkins myself, as I'm too dainty an eater to ever need one (read: I use my shirt sleeve) but this is a good project.
-Under permanent construction

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