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Cutting curved wood for Rosette

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:33 pm
by Bob Moore
I see a lot of luthiers creating wooden rosettes by piecing the wood together in a circle, then cutting them out.
How do you secure the wood in order to make the cuts?
I have a 2 foot X 2 foot plywood block with 4 pieces of 3/4" plywood. I use this for a number of jobs, including routing the rosette and the sound hole. I have the StewMac circle cutting jig and stick the pin into the plywood. Could I put the pieces out at the radius I want and use double sided tape?
My rosette will be b/w/bloodwood/w/b. Then I intend to cut in 3 pieces of wood. One each inlayed at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock. Those pieces will lay with their centerline over the centerline of the bloodwood purfling.
Bonus Question: Any reason not to go with LMI White Glue? Does the top need to have a wash coat of lacquer or anything when using white glue? - It's 2 questions, I know. :) I cheated.

Re: Cutting curved wood for Rosette

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:12 pm
by Dan Pennington
I use double sided tape. And Titebond Original.

Re: Cutting curved wood for Rosette

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:42 pm
by Kevin in California
What I have done is take a back board, like your 3/4" ply, and glue a piece of note book paper to it with a Titebond or Elmers even,
then glue your wood to the paper. Do your routing, and when you want to separate it, just slide a putty knife under the paper and you have your rosette in one piece backed with the paper that you can easily remove. Works great.


Re: Cutting curved wood for Rosette

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:32 pm
by Bob Moore
Thanks, Guys.
Do you see any need to protect the top from the wood glue?

Re: Cutting curved wood for Rosette

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:41 pm
by Kevin in California
Do you mean if any of the glue gets on your top when installing the rosette? No problem, just us a damp paper towel and wipe away any squeeze out off the top, anything left after that will sand away easily.


Re: Cutting curved wood for Rosette

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:51 am
by TonyinNYC
I think you have your answer, but I like Kevin's method with the paper. I also use double stick tape and it holds just fine and releases easy enough. I have not lost a rosette yet to tape!

Re: Cutting curved wood for Rosette

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:37 pm
by Bob Moore
Excellent! I have the wood coming that I want to use on my current project. Even now, I'm not sure what it will look like. It should be at the house when I get home.
I was pretty sure that wood glue wouldn't require any special care, but I've slept since I learned that and wasn't sure. Boy, you sure have to be strong to get older, huh? :)