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trimming top/back with flapper wheel- - laminated sides
Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:16 am
by peter havriluk
My current project, a kit that has laminated sides/back, needs its top and back trimmed flush with the sides before I cut binding channels. I noticed KMG's instructions on using a flap sander to trim the top/back. I think I need to worry about cutting into the veneer on the sides. Is this technique practical when I also need to be wary about cutting into the veneer or does the less-than-90-degree angle of sanding, tape on the sides, and some care with the sander, work all right?
Thanks very much.
Re: trimming top/back with flapper wheel- - laminated sides
Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:53 am
by ken cierp
You are correct -- sanding through the veneer on laminated guitar parts is bad news. A ball bearing guided flush bit should be used.
Re: trimming top/back with flapper wheel- - laminated sides
Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 3:20 pm
by peter havriluk
I am the proud owner of a (not-yet-installed-or-used) KMG 'Router Binding Attachment'. Would using that with the depth set so as to not cut past the plane of the guide and not below the thickness of the top/back be adequate, or do-able, in light of the tool's configuration? Sounds like a simple-enough topic, but only if there's enough experience with the topic to allow the conclusion that it's 'simple enough'.
Thanks very much.
Re: trimming top/back with flapper wheel- - laminated sides
Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:26 pm
by ken cierp
Actually you can put a spacer (washers) between the base and the guide so the over hang fits in the gap -- and yes you adjust the guide so it cuts flush. But practice and make sure you follow the cutting pattern diagram.