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Re: Thoughts on wood and other things from Paul Hostetter

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:56 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Yeah that 98.5% kinda startled me; and his reasoning on that point was not sound. I don't have any theories on a percentage, but it makes sense to me that in an instrument constructed in a good craftsmanlike manner, changes to the top will do more to change the sound than any other part. It's like the saying "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" - if the top ain't happy, well.....

Re: Thoughts on wood and other things from Paul Hostetter

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:39 pm
by Robert Hosmer
I am new enough to this that I make an attempt to digest everything. "Sorting it all out" can truly be a difficult exercise, though.
But I feel that even when confronted with questionable information, it is still useful in that I can always learn something. At the very least, I can get an idea on whether to continue further study with that source.

Quite often our opinions are based upon assumptions (which often come from personal experience) rather than fact (which is supported by concrete evidence).
When a writer bases his/her information upon that basis (opinions), it is usually evident, and that at least lets us know what we're dealing with.

This is the reason we are reminded of phrases such as:
"Don't believe everything you read or hear."
"Take it with a grain of salt."
"Read between the lines."
"Always consider the source."
"Verify the source."

And so forth.

98+%? Really?
As new as I am, I have concerns regarding such a statement.
A more credible statement would have been "Details concerning top construction will have the greatest impact on final sound of the guitar."

As today's conditions prove, blanket statements should be avoided. As an example, consider the statements made concerning the different mahoganies.
New to guitars, but I've been around wood for quite a while. Rather than make the assumption that a species is endangered, it would have been more accurate to state that the African mahogany was more difficult to obtain.
Remember, this was a time period when an African country may not have been as heavily involved in international trade as say, a country located on the South American continent. Such conditions may make a product scarce, but have no bearing as to endangered status.

Most people who write this stuff have good intentions; however, just as in conversation, everyone involved is better served when we consider what we say before we say it.
While it may be true that a soundboard can be made of same wood as the body, he should caution the reader that a different outcome should be expected from the standard. Whether or not that outcome is acceptable or preferred is always a subjective issue.
By this reading, one can easily assume that if a "standard" topwood is not available, it's perfectly OK to use the body wood.
Maybe, maybe not. I do know that he seems to contradict himself on his website concerning the use of plywoods, stating that one of the tops constructed of all spruce ply seemed to be "better".

Re: Thoughts on wood and other things from Paul Hostetter

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:54 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Well said, Robert.

Re: Thoughts on wood and other things from Paul Hostetter

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:45 am
by TonyinNYC
Robert, you forgot one very important saying, "If it's on the internet, then it must be true!"

I am pretty sure that's a joke though.

Re: Thoughts on wood and other things from Paul Hostetter

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:17 pm
by Woodyok
I very seldom do this,

We all know that opinions are like... noses... everybody has one.
As a professional musician/guitar player for 40+ years, my opinion about guitars has been about sound and playability, emphasis on playability. If a guitar didn't feel or play the way I felt it should, I did not care what it sounded like. In the 60's and 70's players were playing guitars made by the major manufacturers or, Martin and Gibson copies, because that's what we could afford.I played both Gibson and Martin, but I like the Martin sound. Maybe that is because every Martin I picked up played well.
Because of the internet and men like Ken, John Hall and Bill Cory, I have been able to make my own guitar.
I would never say, "its all about ... this component or that component, because there are so many things that make up a guitar. But in the end I would say it is about the playability. If the guitar does not play the way you want, you won't play it and you won't sell it.
My favorite is my Koa and Engleman Spruce guitar. I love the bass response, but it really plays well. I am not happy with the set up on my Ditson and so I never play it.

Just one man's nose...