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Re: "Hello ----- I am Bagwill's Johnny Cash Ditson"

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:07 pm
by Dave Bagwill
I have filled the old saddle slot and now have to cut a slot for a lefty. I knew this would happen.

I have tools for that, but not a jig. This may well be the only time I have to do this when the bridge is already glued on, so I'm not anxious to spend big $ for a jig. Is there a one-off diy thing that will do an accurate job but does not have to last until the apocalypse?

Re: "Hello ----- I am Bagwill's Johnny Cash Ditson"

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:00 pm
by John Parchem
Straightedge, xacto knife and a thin chisel might work.

Re: "Hello ----- I am Bagwill's Johnny Cash Ditson"

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:19 pm
by ken cierp
Here you go -- simple -- staight forward -- all you need is a fully equipped metal working machine shop. yikes!! ... ill01.html

Re: "Hello ----- I am Bagwill's Johnny Cash Ditson"

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:55 pm
by Dave Bagwill
That project at Frets is well within my capabilities - of cussing. :-)

I do have a dremel with that stewmac base and a suitable bit, it's just the stability I'm worried about. I'll think of something but I'd rather not if someone has already done the hard part (thinking) :-)

Re: "Hello ----- I am Bagwill's Johnny Cash Ditson"

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:42 pm
by TonyinNYC
Dude...stop being cheap and blow a grand on a one off tool. HA HA HA!!!
Just kidding. I can't believe I was not able to find a pic by doing a google search. Figured I would get one in seconds.
Sorry're screwed. Call Frank Ford.

Re: "Hello ----- I am Bagwill's Johnny Cash Ditson"

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:43 pm
by John Parchem
The posts have made me think about the jig, what I might do in this case would be to make a cheap simple jig.

You need to make a straight guide for your router base that can fit over the bridge. (Two parallel boards with a wood rail for the base to slide on. Mount these boards to a couple small pieces of Masonite that extend past the guides far enough to allow you to carefully clamp the whole rig to the top. I might put cork on the underside of the jig. Use trial and error to get the jig aligned on the top so the router bit will follow the path you need. Set the depth and route away.

Re: "Hello ----- I am Bagwill's Johnny Cash Ditson"

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:17 pm
by Dave Bagwill
I will save that tip John, thanks.

What I've done is take off the old bridge, and making a new one. PITA.

How did I get the old one off? Blood, sweat and wait, that was the first part of my wedding block plane and a scraper. Took a couple of hours or so but I did not want any of jc to be chipped off.

Rest of the day will be working with the new bridge.