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Re: Questions on sequence
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:48 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Batson puts a 3-cigar humidor in theirs at that spot.
$1200 oh geez
Re: Questions on sequence
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:59 pm
by Kevin in California
For me, of course I want to build good sounding, easy playing guitars, but I don't want to get all bogged down in the highly technical stuff. To me, that is not fun. I want to develop, as the old time luthiers had to, a sense and feel for the wood as I use it and work it. My goal is to be able to understand to some degree what the wood in the various parts of the guitar can and might do, and work with it. I realize this will take a lot of experience, which for me will take a long time since I only build about one guitar a year, but that is going to be my approach. I will tap, flex, shake, plane, cut, carve, sand and do the best with the materials I am working with. It will be different each time, I know and I'm okay with that.
I hope to be satisfied with each guitar when it is done, and most likely won't go inside later and make any changes, unless there is some rouge wolfnote that I can't stand; something like that.
Now, I am looking at the title of the thread and wondering, what in the world does what I just wrote have to do with it??
Re: Questions on sequence
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:32 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Kevin, you described exactly what I was all about my first couple of years building. I'm not going to say that you will change, and in fact I don't encourage it; you will build some very nice guitars to be proud of.
I've only had the opportunity lately to re-think things a bit; I've got my carpentry and my finishing pretty much up to snuff, and building 3-4 guitars a year will not allow me - old guy at 63 - to get a lot of guitars behind me on which to improve a lot by trial and error - plus it's expensive that way.
Add to that the fact that I am a researching bloodhound, I really enjoy it, and voila! I'm going to go with a method of kit building that appeals more to me. That's just me. We're all in this together :-)
Re: Questions on sequence
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:54 pm
by Kevin in California
Oh yeah Dave, it is All Good for sure. I'm only a few years behind you and I know that is getting shorter all the time.
What ever the outcome, what's important is that we enjoy what we are doing, and make others happy by doing it.....I love giving them away!!