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Re: From the -Just because you can does not mean you should

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:31 pm
by Herman
The top close to the neck seems to be very floppy. IMO a acoustical membrane that is very floppy has no power or sustain. Ever seen a drumhead without tension? Also a conus of a louspeaker has to be very stiff to be effective.


Re: From the -Just because you can does not mean you should

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:15 pm
by ken cierp
The top close to the neck seems to be very floppy
Yeah that too. Again the idea seems like a good one, but the design execution (and sound quality imo) fall short. I am on the look out for a better sound sample.

Re: From the -Just because you can does not mean you should

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:37 pm
by Dave Bagwill
I'm pretty sure that his premise - no structural bracing gives more reflective surface - is not true.
The reflective surface area is the same - but with the bracing, the bridge movement can distribute the energy where we want it to go. Braces hamper the top in order to make it behave. A reflective surface, on its own, is no guarantee of a better sound.

Re: From the -Just because you can does not mean you should

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:43 am
by John Link
One of the videos showed a Riversong in construction. It had traditional looking X-bracing. The braces looked fairly wide too. So the claim of having no structural bracing does not make sense to me. In fact, they may overbraced. Overbracing inhibits bass and emphasizes treble.

I listened to quite a few videos of different players. Even the amplified version lacked bass. So I suspect that is the way they sound. What was worse to my ear was the treble. It was noisy and grating. I suppose this helps them "cut through" because it reminds me vaguely of banjo and the way its harsh treble requires several guitars playing at once if the "guitar sound" is to compete with a single banjo.

Somebody may well find a style of music that can use this peculiar muted bass, harsh treble sound.

What they are selling is the adjustability of the action. And that looks impressive. If they can tame the treble and release the bass, the adjustability would be a wonderful benefit.