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Re: Electrical help please

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:11 pm
by Walter Massa
johnparchem wrote:I whole heartedly agree with Ken about both the complexity vs. the value in a light bulb heater for a temperature control. I also think having a timer on the power to the bulbs is mandatory, especially with a temperature controler where you might be tempted to leave the room.

If you were to wire it up. One of the light bulb AC lines will go right to the number 2 terminal on the relay. The other AC line will go to one side of all of your bulbs. The other side of your bulbs go to the number 1 terminal on the relay.

terminal 3 on the relay goes to output terminal 4 on the controller and Terminal 4 on the relay goes to output terminal 5 on the controller

You should have a switch and fused (1 amp, 250V) 110V line attached to terminals 6 and 7 of the controller.

The thermal couple is connected to terminals 9 and 8 on the controller.

That should make it work.

Here is a diagram for the relay.
solid state relay.jpg
Ok. Right now I have the unit connected to the switch on the front of the unit so it turns on and off with the rest of the unit. Do you mean a different switch?

Re: Electrical help please

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:23 pm
by ken cierp
I wanted them to roll over the surface, via a gloved hand, so they wouldn't drag the material with them

You know that a metal slat on top of the wood sides is not an option --- right?

And please assure us that you understand that nothing in this post is more important than this:

and do not use without a 30 minute timer to shut it off -- this serious stuff!

Re: Electrical help please

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:09 pm
by Walter Massa
ken cierp wrote: I wanted them to roll over the surface, via a gloved hand, so they wouldn't drag the material with them

You know that a metal slat on top of the wood sides is not an option --- right?

And please assure us that you understand that nothing in this post is more important than this:

and do not use without a 30 minute timer to shut it off -- this serious stuff!
Hi Ken,
I am aware of the timer and was pretty sure that the device I purchased had one built in, but I need to check on that. If not I will add one separately because I am at the age where I forget what I had for lunch, where my glasses went when their on my head, etc. I would definitely burn my house down. Now about the metal slat. I have one that I planned to use between the wood and the top of the mold. Are you saying a metal slat is imperative or I shouldn't use one? Not sure what you mean.

Re: Electrical help please

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:28 pm
by ken cierp
Great -- I actually did have a dulcimer mold start to smolder -- it was outside the shop and yes I forgot about the darn thing!

I see you have your form covered with metal (galvanized will stain most woods so cover the wood with parchment paper) also those fasteners sticking up will cause you endless grief. We use aluminum secured with brads covered with furnace tape. Anyway there needs to be a layer of metal on top of the side material this captures and concentrates the heat and moisture. The outer layer of metal also supports the wood during the stretching (outer side) and compression (the inside of the curves).


Re: Electrical help please

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:57 pm
by Walter Massa
[quote="ken cierp"]... those fasteners sticking up will cause you endless grief

Those screws do suck. I cut my top metal strip so it will fit in between them, however. They actually seem to keep the strip from sliding back and forth but I would prefer it to be cleaner, as is yours. I was at a loss as to how I would secure it properly so this is what I came up with. Double sided tape wouldn't be strong enough (and would probably melt) so I simply made the form wider than necessary to accommodate the screws. It's wide enough to use for a deeper bodied OM if ever the need arose. Now that I've seen yours I will do the same on my next form, which will be a dread.