Re: Michael Collins bends laminated sides
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:44 am
Three comments on laminated wood.
1. In conversation, Brian Burns told me he makes the sides of even his Flamenco gits thicker for players who wish to play for a large audience. Thicker sides result in string energy leaving through the top instead of the sides. Sides do not produce much sound, according to him. However, for those who play primarily in residential spaces for family and friends, he makes the sides as thin as possible. Thin sides result in a lighter feeling instrument and let the player feel the string energy as vibration against his or her body more, both of which which most amateurs prefer, he says. It is the pros who need the sound to project, no matter how that is achieved.
2. I am now just getting around to building with the laminated gypsy back and sides I purchased from Michael Collins some months ago. (Waiting for the gypsy mold to arrive from Ken's shop at the moment, then will begin at long last.) Indeed there still has been no spring back on the cutaway side. But the waist bend on the non-cutaway side has relaxed resulting in what looks like a "spring in". In reality it is spring back at the waist which results in pushing the lower bout (which did not spring back) "in". I will correct this with a bending iron once the mold arrives.
3. The back Michael ships comes flat, though the standard Maccafferi design calls for a strongly radiused back. I was able to induce a 15' radius into the flat back using a side bending blanket, radius dish, steel slats, and weight applied to the middle of the back @225 degrees F.
Michael uses relatively thick veneers, around .031". Each part is three plies thick. The outer is Indian Rosewood, the inner is hog, and I assume the middle is hog too. The glue is urea formaldehyde and penetrates (in places) through the wood to the surface. As he suggests in his videos, Michael uses plenty of it.
1. In conversation, Brian Burns told me he makes the sides of even his Flamenco gits thicker for players who wish to play for a large audience. Thicker sides result in string energy leaving through the top instead of the sides. Sides do not produce much sound, according to him. However, for those who play primarily in residential spaces for family and friends, he makes the sides as thin as possible. Thin sides result in a lighter feeling instrument and let the player feel the string energy as vibration against his or her body more, both of which which most amateurs prefer, he says. It is the pros who need the sound to project, no matter how that is achieved.
2. I am now just getting around to building with the laminated gypsy back and sides I purchased from Michael Collins some months ago. (Waiting for the gypsy mold to arrive from Ken's shop at the moment, then will begin at long last.) Indeed there still has been no spring back on the cutaway side. But the waist bend on the non-cutaway side has relaxed resulting in what looks like a "spring in". In reality it is spring back at the waist which results in pushing the lower bout (which did not spring back) "in". I will correct this with a bending iron once the mold arrives.
3. The back Michael ships comes flat, though the standard Maccafferi design calls for a strongly radiused back. I was able to induce a 15' radius into the flat back using a side bending blanket, radius dish, steel slats, and weight applied to the middle of the back @225 degrees F.
Michael uses relatively thick veneers, around .031". Each part is three plies thick. The outer is Indian Rosewood, the inner is hog, and I assume the middle is hog too. The glue is urea formaldehyde and penetrates (in places) through the wood to the surface. As he suggests in his videos, Michael uses plenty of it.