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Re: Pinless bridge

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:48 am
by TonyinNYC
Tom OBrien wrote:On a very mundane and practical note, a pinless bridge is a pain in the backside during a tricky setup. With a pin bridge you can easily take tension off the strings, pull the pins and get the strings out of the way so you can pull the saddle, file a fret, or whatever else. Not so with a pinless bridge. I've installed this kind of bridge on two different projects this year. I love the look and the owners love the ease of restringing, but it can be awkward and impractical under certain circumstances.

Amen to that!
When I do a set up on a traditional bridge, I use one set of strings and I can still play on them once the set up is done. I almost never break a string. But when I did the pinless bridge, since you have to almost completely remove the tension on the strings to do anything to the frets or saddle, I broke a few strings. It also takes longer because of having to remove them. Not an issue for me since I am not a production shop, but it does up the PITA quotient quite a bit.
Don't even get me started on the locking tuners I had to install on a koa dread. Those things break the strings almost each time you de-tune to adjust the saddle. I went through about 5 sets of strings getting that guitar set up.

Re: Pinless bridge

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:00 am
by Kevin in California
Hey Tony, how'd those locking tuners work out for ya? He he.


Re: Pinless bridge

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:07 am
by TonyinNYC
Kevininca wrote:Hey Tony, how'd those locking tuners work out for ya? He he.

Dammit Kevin! I said not to get me started on them! I tried to talk the owner out of using them since I see not major advantage on an acoustic, but he insisted. He is mainly an electric guy so for him, they made sense. For me...not so much. And they are heavy which messes up the very delicate balance of my perfectly balanced guitars. HA!!

Re: Pinless bridge

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:26 am
by Dave Bagwill
Ken - you mentioned pocket holes. How does one go about making them? I like the look, but it looks to me like a special tool or fixture is needed? Any suggestions?

Re: Pinless bridge

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:54 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Does anyone know about the pocket holes and how to drill them for a pinless bridge?

Re: Pinless bridge

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:14 am
by Tim Benware
deadedith wrote:Does anyone know about the pocket holes and how to drill them for a pinless bridge?
Part 1-4 ... ature=plcp ... ature=plcp ... ure=relmfu

You got your work cut out for you if you follow this. I will get to it eventually.

Re: Pinless bridge

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:24 am
by Dave Bagwill
Yikes. Thanks Tim - that is quite a process the way Chris presents it. I think I see why most builders choose to use the 'valley' approach to pinless bridges and avoid all the pocket hole stuff.
Unless there is an easier method to do the pockets..