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Re: Water in the shop!!
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:23 pm
by Dave Bagwill
We actually have 2 french drains under the house; we have 3 small springs on the property so the water table is not far from the surface - the main reason the huge Poplar trees fell down a year or so ago; their roots were basically in mud.
Thanks for the input.
Re: Water in the shop!!
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:32 pm
by George
OH,... that is all together different from my situation here in Texas where for the past few years we've had to worry more about drought than flooding.
Re: Water in the shop!!
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:10 pm
by TonyinNYC
What if, and I am just thinking out loud here, you raise the entire structure off of the ground onto some cinder blocks? I did it with my bed in my college dorm and it made things much better for me. I never flooded, but I gained storage space. However, it would also work for flooding. Just a thought.
Re: Water in the shop!!
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:15 pm
by Dave Bagwill
Well.....I'll let that idea sink in.
Re: Water in the shop!!
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:20 pm
by TonyinNYC
FYI: I used 4 cinder blocks, one for each corner of the bed. I suspect you will need a couple more for an entire house though.
Re: Water in the shop!!
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:24 pm
by Dave Bagwill
I said I'll let the idea 'sink' in, for cryin' out loud.
Re: Water in the shop!!
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:59 pm
by TonyinNYC
Let the idea flow through you? Pump some new energy into the idea? Swimming in ideas?