general happy noises

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peter havriluk
Posts: 991
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Location: Granby, CT

general happy noises

Post by peter havriluk » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:14 pm


I've been participating, asking (I suspect some quite dumb) questions, trying to gather enough information for each step of my passage to finally building a guitar from scratch. And the responses have been wonderful, and wonderfully tolerant. This is a new activity for me, and the wonder and mystery of doing something new has been a great tonic. It's a real treat to gather up tools and materials and get hands-on with a new set of skills to learn. Talents, I dunno.

I thank every one of you who's answered me and offered experience and advice. I appreciate your attention and comments very much.

I'm trying to fill in the 'why' to a whole list of topics that had to be handled with 'just do this, please' when I was building my first guitar within a limited time budget at a luthier's shop. Anybody who's read Clapton's Guitar knows the shop I talking about, I think there's franchises of it all over the country, probably the world. And they're all places to acquire never-forgotten experiences.
Peter Havriluk

Paul C
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Re: general happy noises

Post by Paul C » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:29 pm

Peter I can understand what your saying exactly. I have done or are doing the same. this web site is great support in every way. And the people are cool. It is not easy building from scratch but I think it will pay off in the end. Having said that if I knew what I know now which is not as much as I thought, I would probabably go with a kit from KMG. And then do one from scratch.

Posts: 1510
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Re: general happy noises

Post by TonyinNYC » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:44 am

I have read Clapton's guitar and I have no idea what place you are talking about.
IN any event, it is always good to understand why you are doing something versus just doing it. Like why the neck should have a certain angle and such. Otherwise, you will never understand what certain changes will do to the finished product.
So ask your "why" questions sir and we will all be happy to help. Unless I remember this post, in which case I will give you the smart a$$ reply of, "Just do it!"

peter havriluk
Posts: 991
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Location: Granby, CT

Re: general happy noises

Post by peter havriluk » Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:14 pm

Tony, I was suggesting that any luthier's shop worth visiting has more than a passing resemblance to Wayne Henderson's....maybe I should be a bit more explicit in future so's I don't cause confusion.
Peter Havriluk

Posts: 1510
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:00 pm

Re: general happy noises

Post by TonyinNYC » Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:18 am

peter havriluk wrote:Tony, I was suggesting that any luthier's shop worth visiting has more than a passing resemblance to Wayne Henderson's....maybe I should be a bit more explicit in future so's I don't cause confusion.
Oh...well in the future please consider the brain capacity of some of the members is not that great. And by some members, I mean me. And by brain capacity not being so great, I mean am dumb. Sometimes. My shop is a total mess by the way, similar to Wayne's, so I can probably teach you all kinds of things! Though, I am not sure if any of them would be helpful!

Kevin in California
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Re: general happy noises

Post by Kevin in California » Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:53 pm

my shop is certainly not worth visiting, at least not by more than one person at a time as you would all not be able to turn yourselves around. I rearranged some things a few weeks ago, and I made it better, and I made it wrap your mind around that!


Ohh, and I've read "Clapton's Guitar" and from what I remember from the pictures, and videos I've watched of Luthier Henderson, my shop and his bare only one resemblence, the sack of sausage sandwiches on the bench.

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