If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

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John Parchem
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Re: If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

Post by John Parchem » Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:50 pm

I wood like a good quality spoke shave.

Maybe http://www.lie-nielsen.com/catalog.php?sku=boggs

ken cierp
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Re: If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

Post by ken cierp » Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:40 pm

Well KMG had to gift itself a replacement for our 20 year old Craftsman radial arm saw --- zero motor parts are available. With so much use I am surprised we did not fry the winding long ago. But rather then spend $800 for a comparable RAS, I purchased a very inexpensive sliding miter saw -- pretty cool for the bucks. The thing does a twelve inch cross cut so in the regard is will work just fine. I don't expect it to last twenty years but I'll get a couple of them and have each set up all the time for the most frequent angle cuts.

Kevin in California
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Re: If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

Post by Kevin in California » Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:44 pm

Well, I know Santa WON'T be leaving me any tools under the tree this year....we just had to replace my wife's car of 10 years after she had a fender bender a couple of weeks ago......totalled the car, but no one hurt, and I had just purchased myself a new Subaru Forester in Aug......Yikes!
Anyway, my wish would be for...........hmm, lets see, ah, ummmmm............

A drill press table...one of those nice ones with adjustable fence, hold downs, etc.

I will probably have to buy it for myself and MCLS has a nice one on sale until Dec 31 for $70 with free shipping. I will see if I can swing it before the end of the year.


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Re: If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

Post by TonyinNYC » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:02 am

Gee....what would I want...is a spindle sander under $200? I have not even thought about what I would like this year. I will have to get back to you. But a spindle sander will do in a pinch. Maybe a small band saw since I am growing tired of cutting things by hand.

Tim Benware
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Re: If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

Post by Tim Benware » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:33 pm

TonyinNYC wrote:Gee....what would I want...is a spindle sander under $200? I have not even thought about what I would like this year. I will have to get back to you. But a spindle sander will do in a pinch. Maybe a small band saw since I am growing tired of cutting things by hand.

http://www.harborfreight.com/catalogsea ... dal+sander
I've "Ben-Had" again!
Tim Benware
Creedmoor, NC

ken cierp
Posts: 3924
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Re: If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

Post by ken cierp » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:39 pm

I use this sander as much as any tool in the shop -- can't believe it only cost us $200!!

http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/sto ... ci_gpa=pla

Dave Bagwill
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Re: If Santa leaves you a tool, what would it be?

Post by Dave Bagwill » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:57 pm

If anyone wants to wrap up an LMII bridge vacuum jig, and send it my way, I promise not to peek until Christmas morning! :-)
-Under permanent construction

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