Bending Tools/Fixtures

Ideas for (DIY) shop made tools -- save money and add to the enjoyment
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Will Reyer
Posts: 141
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Bending Tools/Fixtures

Post by Will Reyer » Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:55 am

Tools and Fixtures 01/15/22

I've built 9 acoustic guitars in a non-humidity controlled former farm shop in southern Michigan.

I carpentered summers for the 18 years I taught in public schools, and contracted finish carpentry in Austin, TX for 4 years (they call it “trim” carpentry in Texas) before putting my Industrial Design undergraduate degree to work doing mechanical design with/for mechanical engineers.

Carpenters make quick and dirty one-off fixtures to complete whatever work that requires something special. Only tools that get used often warrant money spent or time making good fixtures.

I've got a piece of 3” automotive exhaust pipe that serves me as a hot pipe to make waist bends for guitar sides. The photo shows a scrap of red oak clamped to the bench. This mounts a piece of quarter-inch angle. On top of the angle is welded a piece of 1/8” x 1-1/2” angle to make a “Y” to support the exhaust pipe held on with 4 sheet metal screws.

The heat is provided by a $10 electric element designed to start charcoal in a barbecue. You can see the handle protruding from the back. I had to compress the heating loop a little in my welding bench vise to get it to fit in the exhaust pipe.

This heats up very rapidly and cools quickly also since it's thin-wall stuff. I wet a doubled dishrag and drape it on the hot pipe to provide supplemental moisture and steam. The resulting 1-1/2” radius makes useful waist bends and even a Venetian cutaway for my #8 build.

Upper and lower bout bends are made on a quick and crude Fox bender. For 30 years I've had an unused print I bought from Luthier's Mercantile for a deluxe version of one of these. The luthier Charles Fox devised an excellent fixture for doing this. Hard to improve on a good design so I built a quick version using the concept fundamentals.

I bought an inexpensive Chinese scroll saw base, attached a box on the lower stretchers for component storage. On top is another box of ½”plywood lined with roof flashing aluminum to keep it from catching fire and housing 3 - 200 watt light bulbs.

The separate upper compartment that profiles the bout forms for the model being built is also half-inch plywood similarly lined. The curved surface is galvanized sheet metal of a gage that will yield a thickness somewhere between .016-.024”. This is 6” wide and nailed to the plywood sides with 1” nails.

The rest is pretty much self-explanatory. A 6” piece of the same auto exhaust pipe helps clamp the waist bend under a sheet of more aluminum roof flashing material, .012” thick.

The pieces of wood that clamp the sides in place are from an old eight-quarter white ash board that's eaten with holes from the Emerald Ash Borer, which is killing off ash trees here.

I time the bending with a dime store wind-up kitchen timer, though I also look at my watch when I plug the light bulbs in so I can stop at 20 minutes or it tends to start smoldering. I also have fire extinguishers and no one runs this but me.

I build one or two guitars a year, gig with a group, and try to spend time with my granddaughters, here and in Texas. It isn't worth my time to make a sophisticated bending fixture as I don't aspire to go into full-time production at age 78.

I've got no complaint against having expensive tools or carefully and elaborately constructed fixtures or specialized luthier's tools, I even own a couple by necessity. I drool every time I see John Parchem's shop in the background of his photos, hah!

I could also afford Garret Wade, Lie-Nielsen, LMI or Stew Mac specialized tools, but what's shown works fine for me without a great expenditure of time and/or money for what little production I turn out.

And hey, think about what Antonio de Torres Jurado had to work with. Or had to make to use.
hot pipe.jpg
hot pipe.jpg (79.3 KiB) Viewed 2637 times
Fox 1.jpg
Fox 1.jpg (87.88 KiB) Viewed 2637 times

John Parchem
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Re: Bending Tools/Fixtures

Post by John Parchem » Sat Jan 15, 2022 2:27 pm

Will you build fine looking and sounding guitars! Your tools and fixtures look more than adequate.

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