An interesting experiment! With more top available for resonance, I would have bet that the side-hole guitar would have an appreciable difference in tone and/or volume.
Since you recognized no difference, I have to wonder: to exploit the top resonances provided by the lack of a top soundhole, 1)is x-bracing the best pattern? 2) if it is, should the X itself be located lower in the instrument or higher, toward the headblock?
Or, perhaps, would a double X pattern be best. Or a Smallman?
Thoughts on this Van Linge rim and bracing?
- Posts: 5952
- Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm
Re: Thoughts on this Van Linge rim and bracing?
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- Posts: 5952
- Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm
Re: Thoughts on this Van Linge rim and bracing?
Hans - I sent you a p.m.
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