Stew Mac DVDs/Books - any reviews?

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Daniel P
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Re: Stew Mac DVDs/Books - any reviews?

Post by Daniel P » Sat Dec 10, 2016 1:16 pm

John Link wrote:For any repair/restoration task that interests you, I don't see how you could go wrong with Dan Erlewine's books and/or videos. I have his Bridge Repairs (1 & 2), Frets (several), Neck Resetting, and Maintenance videos, as well as the first edition of his Finishing book and the Maintenance book.

The Gore books, like Somogyi's, are expensive but worth it.
Thank you John - I couldn't agree more that both the Ervin Somogyi and Gore/Gillet books are both expensive, and worth it. I've invested in both sets, and return to them often. A fountain of information - sometimes like drinking from a fire hose.

With your positive thoughts on the Stew Mac books I'll be sure to add those to my wish list. I just found that I had the Stew Mac Finishing in the back of a shelf - making sure to pull that one to the front.

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