It has been a massive learning curve going from the kits to a scratch build, but it has mostly been good fun and the errors I made along the way are only visual (providing the thing doesn't explode over the next week). Eagle eyed viewers will notice the bridge is not centered to the soundhole - my mortise and tenon was pretty poor, which has shifted the bridge slightly out of the intended position. Still in good contact with the bridge plate though. Plenty of other errors to spot but I am pretty pleased with it :)
So far the sound is a bit muddy and uneven. Certain notes (trebles in particular) ring out beautifully, whilst others are quite flat. It is loud and punchy, not much sustain and overtones (perhaps difference between mahogany and rosewood?). Once it has been setup properly and had a chance to settle I am sure it will sound quite good.
Anyway - pictures!