The $999.00 hand made guitar

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John Link
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Re: The $999.00 hand made guitar

Post by John Link » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:19 am

When I looked at the per hour return calculation, it caused me pause. I don't know if or how I could build a finished, set up, ready to go instrument in 35 hours in the first place. My current work habits would need considerable adjustment.

Next I factored in the time spent "selling" a product with complex options. And then started thinking about it from the point of view of the buyer. The buyer might regard this as buying his or her "dream" guitar, custom made to their specifications, and generate very high expectations that morph the person into a high maintenance, time consuming customer who is a pain to please. $20 per hour would rapidly deteriorate.

So, along the lines of Ken's last post, I'm trying to figure out what the best combination of embellishments and other features would be, even though "less than a kilobuck" would become "not much more than a kilobuck". Being able to say "Here it is; if you like it I would love to see you have it" sets a completely different context.

Ken, did you decide whether to set up that "strategy for the maker's shop" topic?

ken cierp
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Re: The $999.00 hand made guitar

Post by ken cierp » Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:04 am

Seeing that the response to that idea is "underwhelming" ----- not going to happen.

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Re: The $999.00 hand made guitar

Post by Herman » Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:37 pm

Ken, you asked about the hour spent. Well a few years ago, I counted all the time that was needed for scrachbuilt: about 160 hours. Take into account that almost everything was done by hand. Thicknessing, carving, sanding, polishing. In that time I did not use a payment per hour, because that would be embarrasing. I charged for the materials and a fee for effort. Materials here county for 400-500 dollar. 20 percent are lost on shipping. We have no steelstring tradition so I have to import most of the stuff. And customs charge 30% extra on the imported value. Should I emegrate?

On the other hand I was surprised how fast, at that time, the guitars were sold.
At the moment I'm in the range if the 999$ selling price. 4 buyers on my waiting list.

Ken mentions above that the customer nowadays looks for special looks and personality. And not that ultimate sound. That is the case here too. As an opposite to Ken, I would never go into "production". I like the personal approach and taking my time. Telling they have to wait is not difficult to me. But hey, I have a daytime job and can live from it.

I have no idea what happens if I double the price. Probably I would have a pile of guitars sitting around.

John Link
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Re: The $999.00 hand made guitar

Post by John Link » Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:18 pm


If there is a waiting line for your instruments, raising the price gradually would make sense. I understand your reluctance against making a living at guitar making, in any case.

ken cierp
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Re: The $999.00 hand made guitar

Post by ken cierp » Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:53 pm

If you were to have the guitar finished by a pro spray shop -- I see that the cost for a guitar and neck ready for top coats (already pore filled) is on the low side $400 and on average $600 -- so how does that work into the equation? And if you can do that yourself for a lot less maybe finishing is your/the niche?

John Link
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Re: The $999.00 hand made guitar

Post by John Link » Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:24 pm

Well, I was born with a spray gun in my hand. Worked my way through college and grad school spraying lacquer on kitchens built in the 50s and 60s housing boom. I am capable of getting absurdly thin nitro finishes.

But my approach to polishing would have to change. I own a nice buffing wheel that is still in the box. Instead I work my way down to 12,000 grit wet paper. About a 40 hour process in itself - after the spraying is done.

Instead I am thinking of using one of the water borne finishes on everything but the top and perhaps hardly sanding it at all, just a power buff. The top I might French Polish for the sake of sound - I just can't quite put sound out of the picture. FP on a nice clear contained flat surface isn't that difficult, but would add some significant hours.

I ran the idea of the thousand dollar hand made git by a local player and he almost drooled. (I have fixed his guitars in the past.) But I am aware the reason for his eagerness may be that a kilobuck for such an instrument may be "reasonable" only for the buyer.

ken cierp
Posts: 3924
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:23 pm

Re: The $999.00 hand made guitar

Post by ken cierp » Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:47 pm

Gosh John -- that must have been rough on your mom!

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