
Things that matter and not -- Just keep it wholesome
Lonnie B
Posts: 542
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:42 pm


Post by Lonnie B » Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:19 am

I know I've complained about this rock concert before. But this is the week. Normally our town has about 20,000 happy inhabitants. Once a year for one week this increases to 150,000. Try getting a hamburger. Not a chance. Verizon turns the cell towers towards the concert to accommodate all them people. Every year it storms terribly. That's the only consolation we have. Knowing all them naked hippy girls are out there in knee deep mud. Having their bodies painted. But the rain washes it all off. plus they have showers. I'm too old to participate. My wife and I are given free tickets every year but we don't go. No stinking way. Elton John is headlining this year. My house is about 1 1/2 miles from the site but I can hear the bass thumping. Thump thump thump until 4 o'clock in the morning. It's better when they open the gates and let them onto the property. They're not supposed to get in until Thursday. But law enforcement usually opens the gates Wednesday evening. It's a lot easier to keep your eyes on 130,000 people if you have them in one pen,property what ever you call it. At least after they get in it almost goes back to normal. Then Monday morning the traffic is unreal. Sometimes it has been backed up to Nashville to the NW and Chattanooga. Both cities sixty miles away. In different directions. My phone don't work my computer don't work I can't get to the store. You can see my state of mind. Long live Rock&Roll Lol

Tim Benware
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Re: Bonnaroo

Post by Tim Benware » Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:37 am

Sounds like you need to schedule your vacation that week:)
I've "Ben-Had" again!
Tim Benware
Creedmoor, NC

ken cierp
Posts: 3924
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Re: Bonnaroo

Post by ken cierp » Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:21 am

Join the naked hippy girls or +1 vacation

Lonnie B
Posts: 542
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:42 pm

Re: Bonnaroo

Post by Lonnie B » Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:59 am

Naked hippy girls. I thought that would get a reaction. I've never gone no way am I going to stand all day or night. There's no seating. You hear some real stories. Problem is the wife's work takes a week off on the 4th of July so that is our vacation week. By then were just another sleepy little town. It's quite a show. Walmart donates their parking lot to the concert goers. So it's one big tent city.

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Re: Bonnaroo

Post by Herman » Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:32 am

Sorry Lonnie, +1 for the girls.

Lonnie B
Posts: 542
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:42 pm

Re: Bonnaroo

Post by Lonnie B » Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:44 am

Thanks Herman;it's really quite a show. Not Bonnaroo itself but everything here in town leading up to it. The locals still have to do their thing,go to the grocery,get to work etc. The state troopers(if you have local license plates)allow you to drive on the shoulders of the road as the roads themselves are a total gridlock. It's not as bad now as when they first held it back in 2000. Man it was ridiculous. Now the cops have learned how to deal with that many people. The first year it was held the promoter ran off with all the gate receipts. Over 6 million dollars. The local businesses got together and paid the performers. They love the increased business. I don't know for sure what happened to the runaway promoter I've heard he came back. But with 6 million he could have used one mlion for his defense. You can buy a lot of lawyers for a million bucks. Oh and the hippy girls? They just get naked at the concert. They wear dental floss around town here. Lol

Kevin in California
Posts: 2833
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Re: Bonnaroo

Post by Kevin in California » Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:14 pm

Who.....or What is a Bonnaroo?

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