Hammer Veneering and more

Hand tools required and/or preferred to achieve a high level of Craftsmanship
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Ray Ussery
Posts: 662
Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:51 am

Hammer Veneering and more

Post by Ray Ussery » Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:19 am

I was ask to come over and post this info. I hope this is the correct area.
While this is not an endorsement for "Veneering" Per Si, there are some interesting ideas here about a lot of useful things that may or may not include head plate installation.
I am working and practicing on "String inlay" for my Dulcimer and have plans to use it on my guitars as well.
Craftsmanship with old tools and little money is right up my line, I hope some of you can enjoy it as well.

[Ken, thanks for this site. It has a great comfortable feel with a LOT of useful information, I wish you much success with your endeavor.] Ray

In the 17Th and 18Th Century there were no "Vacuum Bags" but creating a vacuum was nothing new and it was done with the simplest tools, long before electricity or vacuum pumps were invented, and WITHOUT CLAMPS of any kind.

Since I'm pretty much confined to bed now, I've been studying some of the old ways of doing things, (Mother has even let me practice some of it on a tray she's put together so I can use glue in bed w/o gluing my....huhhhh SELF to the bed..hahahaha!)

Anyway, back to the subject, if you aren't familiar with the term "Hammer Veneering" it isn't at all what it sounds like. It works. It's simple and doesn't take $100's of dollars worth of tools to accomplish great looking results.

So if you have difficulty with the veneer or head plates this may be the answer.

I can explain it all day but as usual, a picture is worth a 1000 words...so watch this VID and it pretty much says it all...Take a look and think about all the possibilities...sometimes, old simple ways are better.

Take the time to look around this site, there's a LOT of information here and many vids that may be useful in one form or another.


http://woodtreks.com/category/technique ... marquetry/

Dave Bagwill
Posts: 5953
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm

Re: Hammer Veneering and more

Post by Dave Bagwill » Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:26 am

Thanks Ray, a very interesting procedure. Those old-timers had some real useful procedures.
Also, that website is a good source.
Dave Bagwill
-Under permanent construction

ken cierp
Posts: 3924
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:23 pm

Re: Hammer Veneering and more

Post by ken cierp » Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:38 am

Excellent post Ray

Yes it is in the right topic -- most likely I will duplicate it and place this in the neck fabrication section as well so be on the look out for questions and input there too.

Posts: 1510
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:00 pm

Re: Hammer Veneering and more

Post by TonyinNYC » Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:09 pm

Very cool. A friend asked me to make their front door look like my Koa dread. This method would work if I were inclined to take the job!

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