And I hope someone writes that song.
Parts of Arizona, of course, are really beautiful, and I will find my way back next year sometime. And the food oh my!
The joys of living in Arizona?
- Posts: 5953
- Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm
Re: The joys of living in Arizona?
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Re: The joys of living in Arizona?
Lived in Azirona for ten count em ten years. I don't miss the snakes Cacti and other gizmos. A friend told me when I first moved there you have to watch where you put your feet hands and Butt. As everything in the desert can bite you, stick you, or sting you. And some do all three. Just a mention. :0)
Re: The joys of living in Arizona?
I would like to go back in time 19 years and visit Arizona. Lake Havasu city to be precise. I am sure I would have a good time in the sun with all of the pretty coeds. I fancy myself as quite the ladies man in my heyday. I fancy it, but there is no truth to that. OK. Some truth. Alright, if I were a woman, Dave B would have called me a sl*t. Anyway, I would have liked to go there. Still might. Not a big fan of snakes, scorpions or venomous spiders, cacti, or the like, but I dig warm weather and low humidity. And bikini babes. I like them a lot. What were we talking about?
- Posts: 5953
- Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm
Re: The joys of living in Arizona?
Stay focused, Tony - we were talking about Jessica Alba. I think.
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Re: The joys of living in Arizona?
Oh....Jessica Alba...she is purty. You know who I love? Alyssa Milano. I was just a boy when "Who's the Boss?" first aired, but I fell in love with her back then. Its been a rocky relationship because I was forced to watch that show "Charmed" and I wasn't happy about it because she was not the only star, but we made it through. Haven't seen her in a while though. She needs a new show.
Re: The joys of living in Arizona?
Ahh! Lake Havasu. The London Bridge,bikini babes,etc. All that used to be there when I was a younger man. Trouble is girls become very forgetful in that atmosphere. It begins with their Bikini tops. They invariably get misplaced. Then the bottoms are next to go. I think it's the hot sun that causes this lapse in memory. Could be the alcoholic beverages consumed as well as the herbal condiments consumed. Not a good place to visit as you may forget yourself. Then whatcha gonna do?
- Posts: 1489
- Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:22 pm
- Location: Asheboro, NC
Re: The joys of living in Arizona?
There's always Football!Lonnie B wrote: Not a good place to visit as you may forget yourself. Then whatcha gonna do?
I've "Ben-Had" again!
Tim Benware
Creedmoor, NC
Tim Benware
Creedmoor, NC