Thinning the Perimiter

Wood choice logic, brace shapes, braces patterns -- what and why for the "heart of the guitar"
Dennis in Anola
Posts: 224
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Location: Anola Manitoba

Thinning the Perimiter

Post by Dennis in Anola » Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:36 pm

I'm looking for advice and input regarding how to thin the perimeter edge of the top. I'm let to believe that this can make a guitar more responsive as it provides some extra potential for vibration. How is this done on a bound guitar? Is the binding and purfling set a little deeper during installation and the top sanded down to it. Is it really worth doing and can the average ear detect the difference?
Just when you think you're getting ahead in the rat race, the rats get faster.

Dave Bagwill
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Re: Thinning the Perimiter

Post by Dave Bagwill » Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:49 pm

There are different ways to approach this. If you buy a kit, for instance, from Ken Cierp, the top will have already been thinned a few thou out on the edges. If you are building your own, you can do the same thing.

Another approach is to go through the build process to the point where the top has been glued on (if you glue your tops first).
This is an excellent time to tap and listen, and make any adjustments that you feel will improve the tone, i.e., shaving a brace or two, or perhaps sanding the outside edge of the rim a little bit at a time to see if you can hear a difference. Normally, I don't hear it.

Another trend is to not inlet the braces to the kerfing. Theoretically this will allow the top to 'move' more freely and accomplish what the edge thinning does.

Whether any of this is noticeable - I think it is, but you really have to pay attention and train that ear. A great sound is the accumulation of factors.
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ken cierp
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Re: Thinning the Perimiter

Post by ken cierp » Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:08 pm

You taper the perimeter before you cut the binding/purf channels. Teeter used a dremel with a router base to drill random shallow holes (.02 or so) all along the perimeter of the lower bout coming in about an inch. Then take a ROS and remove all the material until the holes disappear, blend in -- done.

Can you hear the difference -- well, maybe -- if I'm selling you an instrument its the best thing that can be done to a guitar to make it sound great (except using HHG --- just kidding!!) Anyway I do it, so does Wayne Henderson and Taylor routes a channel on the inside of the sound-board to accomplish the same thing.

Dave Bagwill
Posts: 5953
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm

Re: Thinning the Perimiter

Post by Dave Bagwill » Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:18 pm

I like that Teeter idea.
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Dennis in Anola
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Re: Thinning the Perimiter

Post by Dennis in Anola » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:13 pm

Thanks guys, I'll also try the Teeter suggestion. Now where did I put my Teeter Totter?
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Dave Bagwill
Posts: 5953
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:44 pm

Re: Thinning the Perimiter

Post by Dave Bagwill » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:19 pm

Oh man, you had to do it, didn't you???
Basically, I'm jealous because I did not think of it...well done! :-)
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Kevin in California
Posts: 2834
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Re: Thinning the Perimiter

Post by Kevin in California » Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:00 am

Dennis, before you get started, you better see your saw so you don't wind up on a merry go round.


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